Get What’s Yours With the Illinois iCash Program

Get What’s Yours With the Illinois iCash Program

Remember playing the game Monopoly? Of the two cards offered in the game, community chest was almost always the better. With rewards such as “Advance to Go – Collect $200.”, “Income tax refund. Collect $20”, and my personal favorite, “You have won second prize in a beauty contest. Collect $10.”  Unfortunately, not many of us receive these cards in our daily lives.
However, a friend shared some information with me the other day that was too good not to pass on to you. It’s called the Illinois iCash program and where it’s not quite as cool as winning a beauty pageant, it’s much more lucrative!
In Illinois, the state treasurer is tasked with safeguarding more than $3 billion in unclaimed property, such as unpaid life insurance benefits, forgotten bank accounts, and unused rebate cards. They are legally required to return this property to the rightful owners no matter how long it takes. Now the state has “digitized” the program, made it much simpler, and can identify money and property due to you in a matter of minutes.
Sound like one of those, “I’m working with the king of Andorra and would like to send you money” emails?  It’s not. WGN, ABC, and the Chicago Tribune have all run stories on this service sponsored by the Illinois State Treasurer which paid out over $239 Million in forgotten cash over the last 12 months. Yep, that’s millions with a capital M, and don’t we all deserve a windfall?
All you have to do to get started is head over to (part of the Illinois Treasurer’s website) and enter some personal information. They’ll ask for some pretty personal information, (to validate your identity), and present their findings in a matter of minutes. Where safe, the State of Illinois does warn citizens of imitation sites and recommends only using the website listed above.
So join us in collecting your windfall to finance some fun this summer!
Warmest regards, 
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